如何在 Substance Designer 中制作破损的混凝土贴图
How to make Damage Concrete in Substance Designer
Concrete material is one of the most widely used materials that We should learn how to create. When we learn how to make it, we can have the largest number of outputs of this material model in the shortest time. Due to the ubiquity and widespread use of this material model, it is very important that you can produce this material model with high quality. In this material creation process, you can easily produce concrete materials and learn good points. I hope you enjoy and learn new things by watching this tutorial.
章节 Chapters:
01- 第一步:创建高度——在本章中,我们创建具体层并将它们组合起来以达到我们想要的结果。在那之后,我们添加了一些细节,比如裂缝和鹅卵石,以便从我们的材料中获得更真实的结果。
01- First step: Creating Height – In this chapter, we create concrete layers and combine them to achieve the result that we want. And after that, we add some details like cracks and pebbles to have more realistic results from our material.
第 02 部分:在本章中,我们将为材质添加颜色和粗糙度数据。我们在图表中创建我们需要的所有贴花,但您也可以使用预制贴花。
Part 02: in this chapter, we are going to add color and roughness data to our material. we create all decals we need in our graph but you can use premade decals too.