Marvelous Designer制作简单布袋模型教程 - Making a Combat Pouch in Marvelous Designer - Artstation
售价: 20 金钱梦币 [记录] 下载积分: 梦币 -1 金钱
本视频教程提供了使用Marvelous Designer创建战斗袋的分步指南。本教程涵盖各种主题,如构建图案、管理形状以及添加逼真的细节(如缝合和修剪)。然后将生成的网格放入Zbrush中,演示调整轮廓、厚度和添加扣的技术。在教程结束时,观众将学习从头开始构建各种设计的袋子的方法,以增加其3D角色的复杂性。
This video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to creating a combat pouch using Marvelous Designer. The tutorial covers various topics such as constructing patterns, managing shapes, and adding realistic details like stitching and trims. The resulting mesh is then taken into Zbrush where techniques for adjusting the silhouette, thickness, and adding buckles are demonstrated. By the end of the tutorial, viewers will have learned the methodology to construct pouches of various designs from scratch to add complexity to their 3D characters.