日本古董龙瓶模型雕刻教程 – Antique Japanese Dragon Vase in Zbrush - ExpPoints
售价: 10 金钱梦币 [记录] 下载积分: 梦币 -1 金钱
在本教程中,Balazs Domjan将指导您完成他在ZBrush中雕刻日本古董龙瓶的创作过程。巴拉兹是一位创作高度精细雕塑的大师,这也不例外。了解他是如何制作围绕壶表面的许多复杂细节以及围绕壶的龙的。
In this tutorial Balazs Domjan will guide you through his creation process of sculpting an Antique Japanese Dragon Vase in ZBrush. Balazs is a master at creating highly detailed sculpts and this is no exception. Learn how he crafted the many intricate details that surround the surface of the pot as well as the dragons that twist around it.