Houdini制作沙袋撕裂特效教程 - Sand Bag Tearing in Houdini - CGCircuit
售价: 15 金钱梦币 [记录] 下载积分: 梦币 -1 金钱
在本在线课程中,您将学习如何使用Houdini的vellum解算器创建外观令人信服的布料和沙子模拟。重点是通过使用噪声、渐变和自定义属性,并利用Houdini 19中引入的新功能和速度来控制sim卡的外观和行为,使Vellum比以前更强大。
In this online course, you will learn how to create a convincing-looking cloth and sand simulation using Houdini’s vellum solver. The focus is on controlling the look and behavior of the sim by using noises, ramps, and custom attributes and utilizing the new features and speed introduced in Houdini 19 that make Vellum even more powerful than before.
This course has been designed for beginners and intermediates.
After viewing this course, people can expect to be able to control Houdini’s Vellum solver to create their own cloth and sand simulations and get the exact behavior they want.