卡通角色人物3D模型建模教程 - Professional Modelling of 3D Cartoon Characters
售价: 15 金钱梦币 [记录] 下载积分: 梦币 -1 金钱
Juan Solís——角色建模师,曾在迪士尼动画、梦工厂、Ilion Animation Studios 和 Blur Studios 的《冰雪奇缘》、《ThrolHunters》、《蜘蛛侠》或 Tadeo Jones 等项目中工作——在他 20 多年的时间里创造了无数卡通风格的 3D 角色 职业。
Juan Solís – character modeler who has worked for Disney Animation, Dreamworks, Ilion Animation Studios and Blur Studios in projects such as Frozen , ThrollHunters , Spiderman or Tadeo Jones – has created an infinity of cartoon-style 3D characters throughout his more than 20-year career.
专业制作中的 3D 角色建模过程与个人项目中的建模过程不同,在本课程中,Juan Solís 将教您如何根据艺术部门的场地创建模型并进行准备,以便他们可以 成为伟大的动画制作的一部分。
The process of modeling 3D characters in a professional production is different from when it is done for a personal project and in this course, Juan Solís will teach you how to create the models according to the premises of the art department and prepare them so they can be part of of a great production of animation.
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