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Cinema 4d Tutorialnet - 钢铁侠制作教程 Ironman Stealth tutorial
钢铁侠是创建一个的短片,制作并导演了CINEMA 4D教程队,漫画和即将上映的电影“复仇者”的启发,我们有希望创造一个超级英雄,教你如何创建自己的铁人服。
Iron man steatlh is a short film created, produced and directed by cinema 4d tutorial TEAM, inspired by the comics and the upcoming movie "the avengers", we had the desire to create a superhero and teach you how to create your own iron man suit.
Movies, Games, TV shows and epic Films require the collaboration of hundreds of the greatest vfx artists in the industry every year. What are you waiting for? This is your chance to learn the fantastic world of visual effects.