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[CmiVFX] 3ds Max Matte Painting Extractions [2011, ENG]
English | h264, 1024x576, 12.00 fps | ac, 48000 Hz, stereo | 771 MB
学习如何设置美丽的摄像头的Autodesk 3ds Max.Practice有关相机映射的技术和理论的预测内,你会understandhow来解决复杂的2D到3D转换为多种拍摄。 Withthis培训视频,你会得到固体foundationyou所寻找的,从开始如何utilizeMatte绘画提取技术的先进的知识。使用此视频translateskills到几乎所有的CG动画包。
Genre: Video Training
Have you ever wanted to know how to convert a still image to an animation andbe able to "fly through" it in 3d?
Learn how to set up beautiful camera projections inside of Autodesk 3DS Max.Practice the techniques and theory about camera mapping and you will understandhow to solve complex 2d to 3d conversions for a wide variety of shots. Withthis training video you will get the solid foundationyou are looking for, from beginning to advanced knowledge about how to utilizeMatte Painting Extraction techniques. The use of this video will translateskills to almost any CG Animation package.
相机的映射是一个主题,你cancreate很少或尽可能多的细节,你想从thecamera的距离,你需要使用基于。当你学会从这个视频,你将ableto使日益复杂的预测,但一切,你haveto从基础开始。我们穿行涉及andcreate一个简单的投影的基本步骤,这样你可以得到它的挂起。这部分是忘记你开始,向您展示在3DS MAX中最有用的工具。
Camera mapping is a topic that you cancreate as little or as much detail that you want based on the distance from thecamera you are required to use. As you learn from this video you will be ableto make increasingly complex projections, but as with everything else, you haveto start with the basics. We walk you through the basic steps involved andcreate a simple projection, so you can get the hang of it. This part is forgetting you started and to show you the most useful tools in 3DS Max.
现在是时候开始的advancedproject其中有一个更为复杂的投影。我们将通过每stepfrom只是静止图像帧到一个完整的动画。在Photoshop中weare提取照片的不同部分,您将了解背后的纹理提取thetheory。 (这是非常重要)
Texture Extraction
Now it's time to start on the advancedproject which has a much more complex projection. We will go through every stepfrom having just a still image frame to a complete animation. In photoshop weare going to extract different parts of the photograph and you will learn thetheory behind texture extraction. (This is very important)
Aligning the camera and creating geometryfor objects in the image is key to creating a successful projection. Start withsimple splines and primitives to build your scene from scratch using the imageas reference. Learn some helpful tips and tricks for modeling that will bothspeed up your workflow and improve the final result.
The very heart of this tutorial is themapping process itself. Learn the methods of projecting textures and how to setthem up for the optimal result. We will go through the process of aligning howthe textures are projected.
Troubleshooting is one of the mostimportant skills needed for creating stunning projections, since problems thatneed to be solved always come up one way or another. When the projection iscompleted we add a camera and animate it.
在3DS MAX中的最后一步是courserendering一切以后合成的磁盘。学习如何处理withcomplications渲染时的Z -深度传递。我们将围绕adifficult问题困扰着所有CG应用程序与Z -深度传递的方式和showyou如何处理它。设置自定义衰减材料,他们使用自动Z -深度传递incombination以获得最佳的结果。
The last step in 3DS Max is of courserendering everything out to disk for later compositing. Learn how to deal withcomplications when rendering the z-depth pass. We will work our way around adifficult problem plaguing all CG application with the z-depth pass and showyou how to deal with it. Set up custom falloff materials and use them incombination with the automatic z-depth pass to get the optimal result.
把一个工作的Z -深度传递,使用后效果afew技巧和在Adobe的影响,和使用它作为深入offield地图。了解Z -深度传递一些不同的用途和如何使用它如雾或模拟夜间的fordifferent效果。
Put together a working z-depth pass using afew tricks and effects in Adobe After Effects and use it as a map for depth offield. Learn some different uses for the z-depth pass and how to use it fordifferent effects such as fog or simulating night.
About The Artist
Marcus Lundberg is a young Swedish3D-artist and modeler who recently has begun working as a freelancer. He mainareas are creating matte painting environments, high-poly modeling and fluidsimulations. He has a big interest in visual effects and discovered it in hislate teens, and it has been his big passion ever since. Making tutorials andsharing his knowledge is another one of his passions. Marcus, who considerstutorials one of the best ways to learn a program or method, enjoys teachingand passing his skills on.
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