使用虚幻引擎制作动画电影过场动画教程 – Cinematic Production Techniques Using the Unreal Engine Sequ ...
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如果您希望利用虚幻引擎的强大功能创建可用于制作的过场动画,那么此研讨会适合您。 Bill Buckley 将引导观众完成使用虚幻引擎中强大的 Sequencer 工具创建电影的整个过程,首先是对项目需求的审查,然后再开始确定所需的镜头。您将发现在游戏级别阻止建立镜头的技术,同时始终牢记电影原则。
If you’re looking to create production-ready cinematics utilizing the power of the Unreal Engine, this workshop is for you. Bill Buckley guides viewers through the entire process of creating a cinematic using the mighty Sequencer tool in Unreal Engine, beginning with a review of the needs of the project before jumping into establishing the shots required. You’ll discover techniques for blocking out establishing shots at the game level while always keeping cinematic principles in mind.
转到英雄镜头,Bill 在关卡中引入了一个角色,为了制作动画,Maya 被引入到工作流程中。在此过程中,Bill 分享了他的流程,帮助动画师在 Maya 中自由制作动画,同时在 Unreal 中更新他们的场景。
Moving onto the hero shots, Bill introduces a character into the level, where Maya is introduced to the workflow for the purposes of animation. During this process, Bill shares his pipeline that helps to empower animators to freely animate in Maya while updating their scenes in Unreal.
本次研讨会的最后一部分是在 Unreal 中编译所有镜头,Bill 展示了他如何渲染帧以在 Premiere 中进行编辑。他展示了他久经考验的技术,帮助艺术家最大限度地发挥他们的努力,同时保持有组织和高效的工作流程。
The final portion of this workshop compiles all the shots in Unreal and Bill shows how he renders the frames for his edit in Premiere. He demonstrates his tried-and-tested techniques that help artists to maximize their efforts while keeping an organized and efficient workflow.
该项目采用 Unreal 提供的 ARTv1 装备,可在此处找到。
This project features the ARTv1 rig provided by Unreal, which can be found here.
(01. Overview and Blocking Out Establishing Shots.mp4)[].jpg(545.17 KB, 下载次数: 353)