因此,您想学习如何使用/或不使用 Octane 渲染引擎在 Cinema 4D 中建模、纹理和灯光空间场景? 如果是,那么您来对地方了!
So you want to learn how to Model, Texture and Light SPACE SCENES in Cinema 4D with / or without Octane Render Engine? If yes, then you are at the right place!
在本课程中,我将向您展示如何使用 Octane 在 Cinema 4D 中通过极其简单的步骤制作令人惊叹且逼真的空间场景。 在本课程中,您将学习设置场景和照明以使其看起来超写实的基本技术。
In this class, I am going to be showing you how to make amazing and realistic space scenes in Cinema 4D with Octane with extremely easy to follow steps. In this class, you will learn the essential techniques for setting up scenes and lighting them so that they look hyper-photorealistic.
您是 Cinema 4D 的初学者,对 Octane 也不太了解? 完全不用担心,因为本教程非常适合初学者。
You are a beginner in Cinema 4D and don't know much about Octane either? No worries at all because this tutorial is perfect for beginners.
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