在本教程中,马修·奥哈洛兰(Mathew O'Halloran)将带领您从头到尾完成创建实时军用无人机的过程,主教程约7小时,还包括一些特定于技术的迷你教程。在本教程中,使用了Modo和Unreal engine 4等软件,但请随时使用您喜欢的工具,因为大多数技术通常都可以很好地转移到其他软件中。
In this tutorial Mathew O’Halloran takes you through his process of creating a real time military drone from start to finish, the main tutorial is about 7 hours long and a couple technique specific mini tutorials are also included. In the tutorial software such as Modo and Unreal engine 4 is used but please feel free to follow along using your preferred tools, as most techniques usually transfers well to other software.