本教程适用于想要将自己的摄影和合成技能带入 3D 世界的摄影师。 您将在 Photoshop 中学习建模、纹理、照明、渲染和合成的所有知识。Dustin Valkema 将引导您完成包括所有资产、模型、纹理和 C4D 文件的完整工作流程,以便您开始学习 CGI 产品渲染的旅程 和 Cinema 4D 中的合成摄影。 也有通用文件格式,您可以在像 Blender 或您喜欢的 CGI 软件这样的免费程序中进行操作。
This tutorial is for photographers who want to take their skills in photography and compositing into the world of 3D. You’ll learn everything from modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering and compositing in Photoshop.Dustin Valkema will walk you through a complete workflow that includes all the assets, models, textures and C4D files so you can begin your journey into learning CGI product renders and composite photography in Cinema 4D. With a universal file format too, you can follow along in a free program like Blender or your preferred CGI software.
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