经典立面材料 Classic Facade Material - Tutorials
香港门面 HONG KONG Facade - Tutorials
日本建筑立面材料 Japanese Architecture-Facade Material
该产品包括 8 种用于 Substance 设计师的立面材料和 4K PBR 纹理。 您可以将 PBR 纹理用于任何适用于 PBR 工作流程的程序!
This Product includes 8 facade Materials for Substance designer and 4K PBR texture. You can use the PBR Textures for any program that works with PBR workflow!
在 Substance Designer 中制作建筑立面,无需任何建模,只需节点并混合它们。在本教程中,您只需 300 分钟即可了解如何使用 Substance Designer 中的基本节点创建程序外观。学习这项技术可以帮助您了解您可以在 Substance Designer 中为此类项目做什么。
Making building facade in substance designer without any modelling, just nodes and blend them. In this tutorial, you can learn how to use basic node in substance designer to create a procedural facade only in 300 minutes. Learning this technique can help you understand what you can do in the substance designer for the projects like this.
使用本教程,您需要了解 Substance Designer 的基本原理及其工作流程。
Using this tutorial, you need to know the basic fundamental of substance designer and its workflow.