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/* This file downloaded from Highend3d.com
'' Highend3d.com File Information:
'' Script Name: FileTextureManager v2.0
'' Author: Crow Yeh
'' Last Updated: April 16, 2002
'' Update/Change this file at:
'' http://www.highend3d.com/maya/mel/?section=project#1012
'' Please do not alter any information above this line
'' it is generated dynamically by Highend3d.com and will
'' be changed automatically on any updates.
/// ///
/// Procedure Name : FileTextureManager.mel ///
/// ///
/// Updated : April, 2002 ///
/// ///
/// Author : Crow Yeh ///
/// Contact : crow@citiz.net ///
/// ///
/// Description : ///
/// ///
/// FileTextureManager basically does these jobs: ///
/// 1. Analyse scene file textures. ///
/// 2. Copy or move the original texture files to user defined path. ///
/// 3. Reset file textures' path. ///
/// ///
/// FileTextureManager is designed and written to be used on NT or ///
/// IRIX. It has been tested on both NT and IRIX or cross. On other ///
/// OS which uses "\" or "/" to separate path, like Linux, it should ///
/// work properly, which has not been tested yet. But it worths a try. ///
/// ///
/// How to use : ///
/// ///
/// Put the script in your scripts folder then type and execute ///
/// "FileTextureManager" in the command line or Script Editor, ///
/// an UI window will appear. Then follow the help in the UI ///
/// window to finish your job. Have fun! ///
/// ///
/// Inputs : None ///
/// ///
/// Return : None ///
/// ///
/// All Rights Reserved . ///
// MEL Starts //
// Get the right format of path(folder) to match current OS.
proc string FTM_GetPath (string $FTM_FileOrPath, string $FTM_OldPath)
//$FTM_FileOrPath Input type: file or path
//$FTM_OldPath The input
//Only want the path.
if ($FTM_FileOrPath == "file")
$FTM_OldPath = `dirname $FTM_OldPath`;
//Get rid of the slash at the end.
$FTM_OldPath = `substitute "[url=]\\\\*$[/url]" $FTM_OldPath ""`;
$FTM_OldPath = `substitute "/*$" $FTM_OldPath ""`;
//Get the right path.
string $FTM_RightPath;
global int $FTMg_OS;
if ($FTMg_OS == 0)//nt
$FTM_RightPath = `toNativePath $FTM_OldPath` + "\\";
else if ($FTMg_OS == 1)//irix
$FTM_RightPath = `fromNativePath $FTM_OldPath` + "/";
return $FTM_RightPath;
// Get the right format of input file's fullname (including path) to match current OS.
// Return a string array, the first element is the right format of the input file's
// fullname (including path), the second element is the shortname of input file (without path).
proc string[] FTM_GetFile (string $FTM_OldFullPath)
string $FTM_RightPath[];
string $FTM_PathElements[];
int $FTM_PathElementsSize;
// fullname
global int $FTMg_OS;
if ($FTMg_OS == 0)//nt
$FTM_RightPath[0] = `toNativePath $FTM_OldFullPath`;
$FTM_PathElementsSize = `tokenize $FTM_RightPath[0] "\\" $FTM_PathElements`;
$FTM_RightPath[1] = $FTM_PathElements[$FTM_PathElementsSize - 1];
else if ($FTMg_OS == 1)//irix
$FTM_RightPath[0] = `fromNativePath $FTM_OldFullPath`;
$FTM_PathElementsSize = `tokenize $FTM_RightPath[0] "/" $FTM_PathElements`;
$FTM_RightPath[1] = $FTM_PathElements[$FTM_PathElementsSize - 1];
return $FTM_RightPath;
// Analyse all the file texture nodes in current scene.
proc string[] FTM_FileTextureAnalyst ()
// All the file texture nodes maybe point to texture files in different paths(folders).
// Here I use "group" to indicate different paths , which means there are n "groups" of
// different paths if the file texture nodes point to files in n different paths.
// The tricky idea used here is to create a new temporary transform node each time the procedure
// find a new "group". Then just add new attribute ("FTM_File_n") to each node to hold the names of
// the file texture nodes , which point to texture files in the certain "group".
// As a result, how many temporary transform nodes we have , how many different "groups" we found.
// And for each temporary transform node, how many attributes begin with "FTM_File_" in name it has,
// how many file texture nodes point to that path we found.
// All the file texture nodes found in current scene.
string $FTM_Files[] = `ls -typ file`;
// Different groups.
string $FTM_Groups[];
// The amount of different "groups".
int $FTM_GroupsSize;
// "Group" for not specified file texute nodes.
string $FTM_EmptyGroup = `createNode transform`;
int $FTM_EmptyGroupSize = 0;
// Figure out how many "groups" there are in current scene, and put each file texture node
// into proper "group".
for ($eachFile in $FTM_Files)
$FTM_GroupsSize = size($FTM_Groups);
// Get the path of current file texture node
string $FTM_CurrentFullPath = `getAttr ($eachFile + ".fileTextureName")`;
string $FTM_CurrentPath = dirname ($FTM_CurrentFullPath);
// File texutre was specified.
if (size($FTM_CurrentFullPath) != 0)
// Compare current path to all "groups" have been found. If matches then add new attribute
// to current "group" to hold the name of current file texture node, and exist the compare
// loop immediately.
for ($j=0; $j<$FTM_GroupsSize; $j++)
// Get the path of current "group".
string $FTM_OldFile = `getAttr ($FTM_Groups[$j] + ".FTM_File_0")`;
string $FTM_OldPath = dirname (`getAttr ($FTM_OldFile + ".fileTextureName")`);
// Compare current path to all "groups" have been found.
if ($FTM_CurrentPath == $FTM_OldPath)
// Figure out how many file textue nodes are contained in current "group".
string $FTM_FilesStored[] = `listAttr -string ("FTM_File_" + "\*") $FTM_Groups[$j]`;
int $FTM_FilesStoredSize = size ($FTM_FilesStored);
// The amount of file texture nodes stored is the new index.
addAttr -longName ("FTM_File_" + $FTM_FilesStoredSize) -dt "string" $FTM_Groups[$j];
setAttr -type "string" ($FTM_Groups[$j] + ".FTM_File_" + $FTM_FilesStoredSize) $eachFile;
// No "group" matches means new "group" was found.
if ($j >= $FTM_GroupsSize)
// Create new "group", and add new attribute to it to hold the name
// of current file texure node.
$FTM_Groups[$FTM_GroupsSize] = `createNode transform`;
addAttr -longName "FTM_File_0" -dt "string" $FTM_Groups[$FTM_GroupsSize];
setAttr -type "string" ($FTM_Groups[$FTM_GroupsSize] + ".FTM_File_0") $eachFile;
// File texture was not specified yet. Use $FTM_EmptyGroup to hold the corresponding name for a second.
addAttr -longName ("FTM_File_" + $FTM_EmptyGroupSize) -dt "string" $FTM_EmptyGroup;
setAttr -type "string" ($FTM_EmptyGroup + ".FTM_File_" + $FTM_EmptyGroupSize) $eachFile;
$FTM_EmptyGroupSize = $FTM_EmptyGroupSize + 1;
// There is no empty "group" at all. Delete the unwanted temporary transform node.
if ($FTM_EmptyGroupSize == 0)
delete $FTM_EmptyGroup;
// Empty "group" exists, append it to the main "groups".
$FTM_GroupsSize = size($FTM_Groups);
$FTM_Groups[$FTM_GroupsSize] = $FTM_EmptyGroup;
select -cl;
return $FTM_Groups;
// Command executed when "Analyse Scene File Textures" button pressed.
global proc FTM_AnalyseFileTextures (string $FTM_ParentUI)
waitCursor -state on;
global string $FTM_Groups[];
// Delete the temporary transform nodes.
if (size($FTM_Groups) != 0)
for ($FTM_Group in $FTM_Groups)
if ( size(`ls -transforms $FTM_Group`) )
delete $FTM_Group;
// Reasign values to the global string.
$FTM_Groups = `FTM_FileTextureAnalyst`;
// Make sure the cooresponding UI uniqe.
if (`columnLayout -q -ex ($FTM_ParentUI + "|FTM_AnalysisCheckerColumn")`)
deleteUI ($FTM_ParentUI + "|FTM_AnalysisCheckerColumn");
if (size($FTM_Groups) == 0)
text -e -l "No file textures found!" ($FTM_ParentUI + "|FTM_EmptyAnalysisText");
text -e -l "Analysis:" ($FTM_ParentUI + "|FTM_EmptyAnalysisText");
setParent $FTM_ParentUI;
columnLayout FTM_AnalysisCheckerColumn;
string $FTM_TotalResults = "Total " + size(`ls -typ file`) + " file textures point to " + size($FTM_Groups) + " (different) path(s) : ";
text -l $FTM_TotalResults;
text -l "" -h 10;
// Analyse each file in each "group".
for ($FTM_Group in $FTM_Groups)
string $FTM_FilesStored[] = `listAttr -string ("FTM_File_" + "\*") $FTM_Group`;
int $FTM_FilesStoredSize = size ($FTM_FilesStored);
string $FTM_FirstFile = `getAttr ($FTM_Group + ".FTM_File_0")`;
string $FTM_CurrentFullPath = `getAttr ($FTM_FirstFile + ".fileTextureName")`;
string $FTM_CurrentPath = dirname ($FTM_CurrentFullPath);
string $FTM_FileTexturesAnalysis;
// File texture not specified yet. In other words, empty file texture nodes.
if (size($FTM_CurrentFullPath) == 0)
$FTM_FileTexturesAnalysis = $FTM_FilesStoredSize + " texture(s) NOT specified. So they are NOT exist.";
// File texture specified, but no path information.
else if (size($FTM_CurrentPath) == 0)
$FTM_FileTexturesAnalysis = $FTM_FilesStoredSize + " texture(s) have no path information. So they are NOT exist(s).";
// Normal status.
// Correct the path format for current OS.
$FTM_CurrentPath = `FTM_GetPath "path" $FTM_CurrentPath`;
$FTM_FileTexturesAnalysis = $FTM_FilesStoredSize + " texture(s) point to === \" " + $FTM_CurrentPath + " \".";
// Queue the names of the files stored in current "group" for later quick selecting.
string $FTM_CurrentFile[];
string $FTM_CurrentFiles = "";
// Strings used to hold files exist or notExist.
string $FTM_Exist[] = {};
int $FTM_ExistSize = 0;
string $FTM_NotExist[] = {};
int $FTM_NotExistSize = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<size($FTM_FilesStored); $i++)
// Store the names of files in current "group".
$FTM_CurrentFile[$i] = `getAttr ($FTM_Group + "." + $FTM_FilesStored[$i])`;
$FTM_CurrentFiles = $FTM_CurrentFiles + $FTM_CurrentFile[$i] + " ";
// Check if the file exsist or not, then asign the name to responding variable.
string $FTM_CurrentFilePath = `getAttr ($FTM_CurrentFile[$i] + ".fileTextureName")`;
if ( `file -q -ex $FTM_CurrentFilePath`)
$FTM_Exist[$FTM_ExistSize] = $FTM_CurrentFile[$i];
$FTM_ExistSize = $FTM_ExistSize + 1;
$FTM_NotExist[$FTM_NotExistSize] = $FTM_CurrentFile[$i];
$FTM_NotExistSize = $FTM_NotExistSize + 1;
string $FTM_MainChecker = `checkBox -l $FTM_FileTexturesAnalysis -al left`;
// Only build responding sub-checker for the files have path information.
string $FTM_ExistSubChecker;
string $FTM_NotExistSubChecker;
if (size($FTM_CurrentFullPath) != 0 && size($FTM_CurrentPath) != 0)
columnLayout -adj 1 -cat left 30;
// A list of exist files, which is used for selection.
string $FTM_ExistFiles = "";
for ($i=0; $i<$FTM_ExistSize; $i++)
$FTM_ExistFiles = $FTM_ExistFiles + $FTM_Exist[$i] + " ";
$FTM_ExistSubChecker = `checkBox -l ($FTM_ExistSize + " of them exist(s).") -al left
-onc ("select -add " + $FTM_ExistFiles) -ofc ("select -deselect " + $FTM_ExistFiles)`;
// A list of NOT exist files, which is used for selection.
string $FTM_NotExistFiles = "";
for ($i=0; $i<$FTM_NotExistSize; $i++)
$FTM_NotExistFiles = $FTM_NotExistFiles + $FTM_NotExist[$i] + " ";
$FTM_NotExistSubChecker = `checkBox -l ($FTM_NotExistSize + " of them NOT exist(s).") -al left
-onc ("select -add " + $FTM_NotExistFiles) -ofc ("select -deselect " + $FTM_NotExistFiles)`;
setParent ($FTM_ParentUI + "|FTM_AnalysisCheckerColumn");
// Main checker's onCommand and offCommand should influnce responding subcheckers in this case;
checkBox -e -onc ("select -add " + $FTM_CurrentFiles + ";checkBox -e -v 1 -vis 0 " + $FTM_ExistSubChecker + ";checkBox -e -v 1 -vis 0 " + $FTM_NotExistSubChecker)
-ofc ("select -deselect " + $FTM_CurrentFiles + ";checkBox -e -v 0 -vis 1 " + $FTM_ExistSubChecker + ";checkBox -e -v 0 -vis 1 " + $FTM_NotExistSubChecker)
// Main checker's onCommand and offCommand should NOT influnce responding subcheckers in this case;
checkBox -e -onc ("select -add " + $FTM_CurrentFiles) -ofc ("select -deselect " + $FTM_CurrentFiles) $FTM_MainChecker;
waitCursor -state off;
deleteUI FTM_MessageWindow;
//Comand executed when Browse button pressed.
global proc FTM_BrowseCmd (string $FTM_FileOrPath, string $FTM_TextField, string $FTM_WhichButton, int $FTM_BrowseType)
//$FTM_FileOrPath Pass to FTM_ChangeTextField
//$FTM_TextField Pass to FTM_ChangeTextField
//$FTM_WhichButton Pass to fileBrowser, which will be the label of the dialog
//$FTM_BrowseType Pass to fileBrowser, which will define to get dialog for file or folder
string $FTM_CurrentProject = `workspace -q -rd`;
workspace -dir $FTM_CurrentProject;
string $FTM_Temp = "";
$FTM_Temp = $FTM_Temp + "FTM_ChangeTextField ";
$FTM_Temp = $FTM_Temp + ("\"" + $FTM_FileOrPath + "\" ");
$FTM_Temp = $FTM_Temp + ("\"" + $FTM_TextField + "\" ");
fileBrowser $FTM_Temp $FTM_WhichButton "" $FTM_BrowseType;
//The callback command on fileBrowser.
global proc FTM_ChangeTextField (string $FTM_FileOrPath, string $FTM_TextField, string $FTM_File, string $FTM_FileType)
//$FTM_FileOrPath How to deal with the input path , will be pass to FTM_GetPath
//$FTM_TextField The name of the control need to be edited
//$FTM_File The file specified
//$FTM_FileType The file type specified
string $FTM_Path = `FTM_GetPath $FTM_FileOrPath $FTM_File`;
textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $FTM_Path $FTM_TextField;
//Close the dialog for IRIX.
global int $FTMg_OS;
if ($FTMg_OS == 1)
window -e -vis false projectViewerWindow;
// Warning window for unknown OS.
proc FTM_UnknownOS (string $FTM_os)
global int $FTMg_OS;
windowPref -enableAll false;
if (`window -exists FTM_UnknownOSWindow`)
deleteUI FTM_UnknownOSWindow;
window -s 0 -mnb 0 -mxb 0 -wh 400 200 -t "Not Tested OS" FTM_UnknownOSWindow;
string $FTM_UnknownOSMainForm = `formLayout -nd 100`;
string $FTM_UnknownOSInfoColumn = `columnLayout -adj 1`;
text -l ("FileTextureManager is not tested on \" " + $FTM_os + " \"\nBut, it maybe work.\n\nPlease specify which separator the OS use to describe path.\n\n") -al center;
// Default separator si "/" .
$FTMg_OS = 1;
radioButtonGrp -nrb 2 -select 1 -l "Path Separator : " -l1 " / " -l2 " \\ " -cw3 100 100 100
-on1 "$FTMg_OS = 1" -on2 "$FTMg_OS = 0";
string $FTM_UnknownOSFunctionForm = `formLayout -p $FTM_UnknownOSMainForm`;
string $FTM_UnknownOSTryButton = `button -l "Try it" -h 30 -w 120 -c "deleteUI FTM_UnknownOSWindow;FTM_BuildMainUI"`;
string $FTM_UnknownOSExitButton = `button -l "Exit" -h 30 -w 80 -c "deleteUI FTM_UnknownOSWindow"`;
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_UnknownOSExitButton right 0
-an $FTM_UnknownOSExitButton left
-ac $FTM_UnknownOSTryButton right 10 $FTM_UnknownOSExitButton
-an $FTM_UnknownOSTryButton left
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_UnknownOSInfoColumn top 20
-af $FTM_UnknownOSInfoColumn left 20
-af $FTM_UnknownOSInfoColumn right 20
-ac $FTM_UnknownOSInfoColumn bottom 15 $FTM_UnknownOSFunctionForm
-af $FTM_UnknownOSFunctionForm left 10
-af $FTM_UnknownOSFunctionForm right 10
-af $FTM_UnknownOSFunctionForm bottom 10
-an $FTM_UnknownOSFunctionForm top
showWindow FTM_UnknownOSWindow;
windowPref -enableAll true;
// Build the processing message window in the right position and size.
global proc FTM_BuildMessageWindow ()
windowPref -enableAll false;
// Caculate the position for the message window.
int $FTM_MainWindowPos[] = `window -q -tlc FTM_MainWindow`;
int $FTM_MainWindowSize[] = `window -q -wh FTM_MainWindow`;
int $FTM_MessageWindowPos[];
$FTM_MessageWindowPos[0] = $FTM_MainWindowPos[0] + ($FTM_MainWindowSize[1] - 100)/2;
$FTM_MessageWindowPos[1] = $FTM_MainWindowPos[1] + ($FTM_MainWindowSize[0] - 200)/2;
if (`window -ex FTM_MessageWindow`)
deleteUI FTM_MessageWindow;
window -s 1 -tb 0 -wh 200 100 -tlc $FTM_MessageWindowPos[0] $FTM_MessageWindowPos[1] FTM_MessageWindow;
string $FTM_MessageForm = `formLayout`;
string $FTM_Message = `text -l "Processing ...... Please wait" -al center`;
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_Message top 0
-af $FTM_Message bottom 0
-af $FTM_Message left 0
-af $FTM_Message right 0
showWindow FTM_MessageWindow;
windowPref -enableAll true;
//Build the main UI.
global proc FTM_BuildMainUI ()
//Make sure the window will be displayed in proper size.
windowPref -enableAll false;
//If the UI exits , delete it.
if (`window -exists FTM_MainWindow`)
deleteUI FTM_MainWindow;
//Build a new UI.
window -title "File Texture Manager" -wh 380 600 -tlc 200 200 -ret FTM_MainWindow;
string $FTM_MainForm = `formLayout`;
string $FTM_Tabs = `tabLayout -imw 0 -imh 0`;
//Option tab
string $FTM_OptionForm = `formLayout`;
string $FTM_OptionScroll = `scrollLayout -cr true`;
string $FTM_OptionColumn = `columnLayout -adj 1 -rs 5`;
//Analyse area
formLayout -nd 100 FTM_AnalyseForm;
string $FTM_AnalyseColumn = `columnLayout -cat both 30 -adj 1 -rs 5`;
button -l "Analyse Scene File Textures" -h 30 -w 250 FTM_AnalyseButton;
text -l "" -h 5;
text -l "Select files you want to manage. <Multi-Selectable>";
string $FTM_AnalysisScroll = `scrollLayout -p FTM_AnalyseForm`;
string $FTM_AnalysisColumn = `columnLayout -cat left 15`;
text -l "Not analysed yet." FTM_EmptyAnalysisText;
button -e -c ("FTM_AnalyseFileTextures " + $FTM_AnalysisColumn) ($FTM_AnalyseColumn + "|FTM_AnalyseButton");
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_AnalyseColumn left 0
-af $FTM_AnalyseColumn right 0
-af $FTM_AnalyseColumn top 5
-af $FTM_AnalyseColumn bottom 200
-ac $FTM_AnalysisScroll top 5 $FTM_AnalyseColumn
-af $FTM_AnalysisScroll bottom 0
-af $FTM_AnalysisScroll left 0
-af $FTM_AnalysisScroll right 0
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AnalyseForm");
setParent $FTM_OptionColumn;
separator -style "in" -h 10;
//Operation mode
radioButtonGrp -l "Operation Mode" -la2 "Automatic" "Manual" -nrb 2 -select 1 -cl3 right left left -cw3 120 100 100 FTM_OperationMode;
//Set source directory area
textFieldButtonGrp -label "Source Directory" -text "" -buttonLabel "Browse..." -adj 2 -en 0 -cw 1 120 -cw 3 60 -cl3 right left center FTM_SourceDirectoryField;
//Set target directory area
string $FTM_CurrentProject = `workspace -q -rd`;
string $FTM_CurrentSourceImagesDir = $FTM_CurrentProject + "sourceimages";
string $FTM_SourceImages = `FTM_GetPath "path" $FTM_CurrentSourceImagesDir`;
textFieldButtonGrp -label "Target Directory" -text $FTM_SourceImages -buttonLabel "Browse..." -adj 2 -cw 1 120 -cw 3 60 -cl3 right left center FTM_TargetDirectoryField;
separator -style "in" -h 5;
//Create new folder area
checkBoxGrp -ncb 1 -l1 "Make New Folder Under Target Directory" -adj 1 -v1 0 -cat 1 left 101 FTM_MakeFolderChecker;
textFieldGrp -label "Folder Name" -text "MyTextureFiles" -en 0 -cw2 120 180 -cl2 right left FTM_NewFolderNameField;
separator -style "in" -h 5;
//Update texture file area
rowLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 120 -cat 1 right 0 -cl2 left left FTM_AddPrefixRow;
checkBox -l "Add Prefix" -v 0 FTM_AddPrefixChecker;
textField -tx "prefix_" -en 0 -w 150 FTM_PrefixField;
setParent $FTM_OptionColumn;
rowLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 120 -cat 1 right 0 -cl2 left left FTM_AddSuffixRow;
checkBox -l "Add Suffix" -v 0 FTM_AddSuffixChecker;
textField -tx "_suffix" -en 0 -w 150 FTM_SuffixField;
setParent $FTM_OptionColumn;
checkBoxGrp -ncb 1 -l1 "Replace String" -adj 1 -v1 0 -cat 1 left 101 FTM_ReplaceStringChecker;
textFieldGrp -l "Old String" -tx "OldString" -en 0 -cw2 120 150 -cl2 right left FTM_OldStringField;
textFieldGrp -l "New String" -tx "NewString" -en 0 -cw2 120 150 -cl2 right left FTM_NewStringField;
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_OptionScroll top 5
-af $FTM_OptionScroll left 0
-af $FTM_OptionScroll right 0
-af $FTM_OptionScroll bottom 0
setParent $FTM_Tabs;
//Help tab
string $FTM_HelpForm = `formLayout`;
//Description area
scrollField -ww true -editable false FTM_HelpField;
//About FileTextureManager
setParent $FTM_HelpForm;
string $FTM_AboutFrame = `frameLayout -l "About FileTextureManager" -la top -fn boldLabelFont -cll 0 -bv true -bs "in" -li 5`;
string $FTM_AboutForm = `formLayout`;
string $FTM_AboutTextLeft = `text -l "Script Name :\nUpdated :\nAuthor :\nContact :\n\nAll Rights Reserved." -al left`;
string $FTM_AboutTextRight = `text -l "FileTextureManager.mel\nApril, 2002\nCrow Yeh\nCrow@citiz.net" -al left`;
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_AboutTextLeft left 10
-af $FTM_AboutTextLeft top 5
-an $FTM_AboutTextLeft right
-af $FTM_AboutTextLeft bottom 5
-ac $FTM_AboutTextRight left 10 $FTM_AboutTextLeft
-af $FTM_AboutTextRight top 5
-an $FTM_AboutTextRight right
-af $FTM_AboutTextRight bottom 5
formLayout -e
-ac FTM_HelpField bottom 5 $FTM_AboutFrame
-af FTM_HelpField top 5
-af FTM_HelpField left 0
-af FTM_HelpField right 0
-an $FTM_AboutFrame top
-af $FTM_AboutFrame left 0
-af $FTM_AboutFrame right 0
-af $FTM_AboutFrame bottom 0
//Function form.
setParent $FTM_MainForm;
string $FTM_FunctionForm = `formLayout -h 30 -numberOfDivisions 100`;
string $FTM_CopyButton = `button -l "Copy Files"
-c ("FTM_Function \"Copy\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn)`;
string $FTM_MoveButton = `button -l "Move Files"
-c ("FTM_Function \"Move\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn)`;
string $FTM_SetButton = `button -l "Set Path"
-c ("FTM_Function \"Set\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn)`;
string $FTM_ResetButton = `button -l "Reset FTM" -c ("FTM_ResetUI " + $FTM_OptionColumn + " " + $FTM_AnalysisColumn)`;
string $FTM_CloseButton = `button -l "Exit"
-c ("global string $FTM_Groups[]; if (size($FTM_Groups) != 0){ for ($FTM_Group in $FTM_Groups) {if ( size(`ls -transforms $FTM_Group`) )delete $FTM_Group;} } $FTM_Groups = {}; deleteUI FTM_MainWindow; select -cl;")`;
formLayout -e
-ap $FTM_CopyButton right 1 20
-af $FTM_CopyButton top 0
-af $FTM_CopyButton left 0
-af $FTM_CopyButton bottom 0
-ap $FTM_MoveButton left 1 20
-ap $FTM_MoveButton right 1 40
-af $FTM_MoveButton top 0
-af $FTM_MoveButton bottom 0
-ap $FTM_SetButton left 1 40
-ap $FTM_SetButton right 1 60
-af $FTM_SetButton top 0
-af $FTM_SetButton bottom 0
-af $FTM_ResetButton top 0
-af $FTM_ResetButton bottom 0
-ap $FTM_ResetButton left 1 60
-ap $FTM_ResetButton right 1 80
-ap $FTM_CloseButton left 1 80
-af $FTM_CloseButton top 0
-af $FTM_CloseButton right 0
-af $FTM_CloseButton bottom 0
formLayout -e
-af $FTM_Tabs top 0
-af $FTM_Tabs left 0
-af $FTM_Tabs right 0
-ac $FTM_Tabs bottom 3 $FTM_FunctionForm
-af $FTM_FunctionForm left 0
-af $FTM_FunctionForm right 0
-af $FTM_FunctionForm bottom 0
-an $FTM_FunctionForm top
FTM_EditUIControl $FTM_OptionColumn $FTM_HelpForm;
tabLayout -e -tl $FTM_OptionForm "Option" $FTM_Tabs;
tabLayout -e -tl $FTM_HelpForm "中文帮助" $FTM_Tabs;
showWindow FTM_MainWindow;
//Make sure other windows will be displayed in proper size.
windowPref -enableAll true;
// Edit the UI Controls after they've been built
global proc FTM_EditUIControl (string $FTM_OptionColumn, string $FTM_HelpForm)
// Adding "|" separator to the control name is necessary that
// Maya adds "|" to the control's full name(path) automaticly after creating it.
// Operation mode
radioButtonGrp -e -on1 ("textFieldButtonGrp -e -en 0 -tx \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_SourceDirectoryField")
-on2 ("textFieldButtonGrp -e -en 1 -tx \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_SourceDirectoryField")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OperationMode");
// Set source directory
textFieldButtonGrp -e -bc ("FTM_BrowseCmd \"file\" \"" + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_SourceDirectoryField\" \"Set_S.D.\" 0")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_SourceDirectoryField");
// Set target directory
textFieldButtonGrp -e -bc ("FTM_BrowseCmd \"path\" \"" + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_TargetDirectoryField\" \"Set_T.D.\" 4")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_TargetDirectoryField");
// Make new folder
checkBoxGrp -e -on1 ("textFieldGrp -e -en 1 -text \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewFolderNameField")
-of1 ("textFieldGrp -e -en 0 -text \"MyTextureFiles\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewFolderNameField")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_MakeFolderChecker");
// Add prefix
checkBox -e -onc ("textField -e -en 1 -text \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_PrefixField")
-ofc ("textField -e -en 0 -text \"prefix_\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_PrefixField")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_AddPrefixChecker");
// Add suffix
checkBox -e -onc ("textField -e -en 1 -text \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_SuffixField")
-ofc ("textField -e -en 0 -text \"_suffix\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_SuffixField")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_AddSuffixChecker");
// Replace string
checkBoxGrp -e -on1 ("textFieldGrp -e -en 1 -text \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OldStringField; textFieldGrp -e -en 1 -text \"\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewStringField")
-of1 ("textFieldGrp -e -en 0 -text \"OldString\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OldStringField; textFieldGrp -e -en 0 -text \"NewString\" " + $FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewStringField")
($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_ReplaceStringChecker");
// Help description field
string $FTM_HelpDescription = "\n[描述]:\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " FileTextureManager 有以下功能:\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 1. 找到场景里面所有的文件类型贴图节点.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 2. 把贴图拷贝或者移动到用户定义的目录.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 3. 把贴图的路径更新.\n\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += "[工作流程]:\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " Step 1. 分析场景中的文件型贴图(Analyse scene file textures.(optional))\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " Step 2. 选择场景里面的文件型贴图节点.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " Step 3. 设置你想要的操作的选项.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " Step 4. 点击 copy, move 或者 set 按钮.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " Step 5. 点击 \"Exit\" 按钮来退出 FileTextureManager. (重要注意事项)\n\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += "[技巧]:\n";
//$FTM_HelpDescription += " 1. 要转化出现在路径名里面的 \"[url=]\\\[/url]" 为 \"/\" 或转化 \"/\" 为 \"[url=]\\\[/url]" , 就分析场景里面的文件型贴图,然后选择 \"wrong\" path by simply checking on the related checkers, set target directory to where related texture files are, reset the path by pressing \"Set Path\". Now you've done!\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 1. 重要给每张贴图保持两个版本,一个高精度一个低精度. 比如 \"abc_LowRes.tga\" 是低精度图的名称 , \"abc_HighRes.tga\" 是高精度图的名称. 用低精度贴图来用于平时的工作来加速交互速度.在渲染的时候,可以用 FileTextureManager 来把贴图指向高精度的贴图. (Add prefix, add suffix or even replace string.)\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 2. 注意: FileTextureManager的界面不会随着场景变化而变化 , 所以每次做完一个贴图管理的操作就重新分析场景(analyse scene).\n\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += "[注意]:\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 1. 加后缀函数有一些局限. 如果想要一个满意的结果, 文件名必须是一个常规的样式,比如 \"filename.ext\", \"filename.[#...#].ext\", \"filename.ext.[#...#]\", 等. 加后缀的函数总是替换第一个出现在文件名的\".\" 为 \"suffix.\"字样.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 2. 加前缀,后缀和替换字符串可以同时执行在一个文件类型的贴图上. 替换字符串操作首先被执行, 然后时加后缀,最后是加前缀.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 3. 强烈建议不要再前缀、后缀、替换字符串和被替换字符串中包含 \".\" 字样.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 4. 可能有一些多于的节点在操作中产生,所以一定要用exit按钮或reset FTM按钮来退出程序,以自动删除不必要的节点.不要按窗口的右上角的叉按钮来退出这个程序\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 5. 有时候这个程序会出错.原因可能不同. 最可能的原因可能是下面两个之一: a.没有在source directory发现 Texture file ; b.没有权限来 reading , writing or deleting.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 6. 这个FileTexureManager 可以在 NT 和 IRIX 上运行. \n\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += "[细节]:\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 1. Analysing scene file textures 可以让你知道场景里面有多少文件型贴图, 他们在哪里. 还可以让用户选择所有的贴图,然后指向同一个路径.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 2. 选择怎样的操作取决怎样的源路径. 如果文件就在他指向的路径用Automatic 模式, 否则用 Manual 模式.\n";
$FTM_HelpDescription += " 3. 其他函数在界面上有一定说明.\n";
scrollField -e -text $FTM_HelpDescription ($FTM_HelpForm + "|FTM_HelpField");
// Reset the UI to its initial state.
global proc FTM_ResetUI (string $FTM_OptionColumn, string $FTM_AnalysisColumn)
waitCursor -state on;
// The main window;
window -e -wh 380 600 FTM_MainWindow;
// Analyse area
text -e -l "Not analysed yet." ($FTM_AnalysisColumn + "|FTM_EmptyAnalysisText");
// Delete the temporary transform nodes.
global string $FTM_Groups[];
if (size($FTM_Groups) != 0)
for ($FTM_Group in $FTM_Groups)
if ( size(`ls -transforms $FTM_Group`) )
delete $FTM_Group;
// Empty the global string.
$FTM_Groups = {};
if (`columnLayout -q -ex ($FTM_AnalysisColumn + "|FTM_AnalysisCheckerColumn")`)
deleteUI ($FTM_AnalysisColumn + "|FTM_AnalysisCheckerColumn");
// Operation mode
radioButtonGrp -e -select 1 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OperationMode");
// Source directory field
textFieldButtonGrp -e -text "" -en 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_SourceDirectoryField");
// Target directory field
string $FTM_CurrentProject = `workspace -q -rd`;
string $FTM_CurrentSourceImagesDir = $FTM_CurrentProject + "sourceimages";
string $FTM_SourceImages = `FTM_GetPath "path" $FTM_CurrentSourceImagesDir`;
textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $FTM_SourceImages ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_TargetDirectoryField");
// Make new folder area
checkBoxGrp -e -v1 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_MakeFolderChecker");
textFieldGrp -e -text "MyTextureFiles" -en 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewFolderNameField");
// Add prefix area
checkBox -e -v 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_AddPrefixChecker");
textField -e -text "prefix_" -en 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_PrefixField");
// Add suffix area
checkBox -e -v 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_AddSuffixChecker");
textField -e -text "_suffix" -en 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_SuffixField");
// Replace string area
checkBoxGrp -e -v1 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_ReplaceStringChecker");
textFieldGrp -e -text "OldString" -en 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OldStringField");
textFieldGrp -e -text "NewString" -en 0 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewStringField");
select -cl;
waitCursor -state off;
// The Copy, Move and Set functions.
global proc FTM_Function (string $FTM_Function, string $FTM_OptionColumn)
string $FTM_SelectedFiles[] = `ls -sl -typ file`;
// If there is no file texture node selected, popup
// confirm dialog to remind user to select at least
// one file texture node.
if ( size($FTM_SelectedFiles) <= 0)
confirmDialog -t "No file texture node selected" -ma center -b "OK"
-m "Select at least one file texture node please" -p FTM_MainWindow;
// File texture node selected , do the function.
window -e -vis 0 FTM_MainWindow;
waitCursor -state on;
// First get elements ready.
global int $FTMg_OS;
int $FTM_OperationMode = `radioButtonGrp -q -select ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OperationMode")`;
// Source directory.
string $FTM_SourceDirectory;
// Target directory.
string $FTM_TargetDirectory = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -text ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_TargetDirectoryField")`;
$FTM_TargetDirectory = `FTM_GetPath "path" $FTM_TargetDirectory`;
// Check if new folder needed. If needed, create one only when the folder does not exist.
if ( `checkBoxGrp -q -v1 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_MakeFolderChecker")` )
string $FTM_NewFolderName = `textFieldGrp -q -text ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewFolderNameField")`;
$FTM_TargetDirectory = $FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_NewFolderName;
if (!`file -q -ex $FTM_TargetDirectory`)
if ($FTMg_OS == 0)
system ("md \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + "\"");
else if ($FTMg_OS == 1)
system ("mkdir \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + "\"");
$FTM_TargetDirectory = `FTM_GetPath "path" $FTM_TargetDirectory`;
// Define command for function.
string $FTM_FunctionCmd;
if ($FTM_Function == "Copy")
if ($FTMg_OS == 0)
$FTM_FunctionCmd = "copy";
else if ($FTMg_OS == 1)
$FTM_FunctionCmd = "cp";
else if ($FTM_Function == "Move")
if ($FTMg_OS == 0)
$FTM_FunctionCmd = "move";
else if ($FTMg_OS == 1)
$FTM_FunctionCmd = "mv";
// Execute command of current function for every file texture node selected.
for ($FTM_SelectedFile in $FTM_SelectedFiles)
string $FTM_CurrentFile = `getAttr ($FTM_SelectedFile + ".fileTextureName")`;
string $FTM_SourceFile[] = `FTM_GetFile $FTM_CurrentFile`;
string $FTM_OriginSourceFile = $FTM_SourceFile[1];
// The file texture is not specified.
if (size($FTM_OriginSourceFile) == 0)
warning ($FTM_SelectedFile + " : File texture is not specified.");
// The file texture is specified.
// If replace string was selected, replace the string specified.
if ( `checkBoxGrp -q -v1 ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_ReplaceStringChecker")` )
string $FTM_OldString = `textFieldGrp -q -tx ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_OldStringField")`;
string $FTM_MatchExpression = "(" + $FTM_OldString + ")+";
string $FTM_NewString = `textFieldGrp -q -tx ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_NewStringField")`;
for ($i=0; $i<size($FTM_SourceFile[1]); $i++)
$FTM_SourceFile[1] = `substitute $FTM_MatchExpression $FTM_SourceFile[1] $FTM_NewString`;
// Add prefix or(and) append suffix.
string $FTM_Prefix;
string $FTM_Suffix;
// If prefix was set, add it to the file name.
if ( `checkBox -q -v ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_AddPrefixChecker")` )
$FTM_Prefix = `textField -q -tx ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddPrefixRow|FTM_PrefixField")`;
// If suffix was set, append it to the file name.
// In this case, we meet a limitation: the function will only work as desired when file name
// is in normal format, which should look like "filename.[].fileExtension": middle part
// and fileExtention are both optional and filename itself can NOT contain "." .
if ( `checkBox -q -v ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_AddSuffixChecker")` )
string $FTM_Suffix = `textField -q -tx ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_AddSuffixRow|FTM_SuffixField")` + ".";
// Replace the first "." found in file name with "suffix."
$FTM_SourceFile[1] = `substitute "\\.+" $FTM_SourceFile[1] $FTM_Suffix`;
$FTM_SourceFile[1] = $FTM_Prefix + $FTM_SourceFile[1];
// Function process.
string $FTM_FinalCmd;
string $FTM_FunctionResult;
if ($FTM_Function != "Set")
if ($FTM_OperationMode == 1)
$FTM_FinalCmd = $FTM_FunctionCmd + " \"" + $FTM_SourceFile[0] + "\" \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1] + "\"";
$FTM_FunctionResult = $FTM_SelectedFile + " : " + $FTM_Function + " \"" + $FTM_SourceFile[0] + "\" to \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1] + "\"";
else if ($FTM_OperationMode == 2)
$FTM_SourceDirectory = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -text ($FTM_OptionColumn + "|FTM_SourceDirectoryField")`;
$FTM_SourceDirectory = `FTM_GetPath "path" $FTM_SourceDirectory`;
$FTM_FinalCmd = $FTM_FunctionCmd + " \"" + $FTM_SourceDirectory + $FTM_OriginSourceFile + "\" \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1] + "\"";
$FTM_FunctionResult = $FTM_SelectedFile + " : " + $FTM_Function + " \"" + $FTM_SourceDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1] + "\" to \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1] + "\"";
else if ($FTM_Function == "Set")
setAttr -typ "string" ($FTM_SelectedFile + ".fileTextureName") ($FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1]);
$FTM_FunctionResult = $FTM_SelectedFile + " : Set to \"" + $FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1] + "\"";
// Do the function.
// System command only executed when the function is not "Set".
if ($FTM_Function != "Set")
system ($FTM_FinalCmd);
// Print the function result.
if ( `file -q -ex ($FTM_TargetDirectory + $FTM_SourceFile[1])` )
if ($FTM_Function == "Move")
// File copied but not removed -- not actually "move".
if ( `file -q -ex $FTM_SourceFile[0]` || `file -q -ex ($FTM_SourceDirectory + $FTM_OriginSourceFile)`)
$FTM_FunctionResult = "Succeed >>>>>> " + $FTM_FunctionResult + " But the original file is not removed. Check the HELP for possible reasons.";
warning ($FTM_FunctionResult);
$FTM_FunctionResult = "Succeed >>>>>> " + $FTM_FunctionResult;
print ($FTM_FunctionResult + "\n");
$FTM_FunctionResult = "Succeed >>>>>> " + $FTM_FunctionResult;
print ($FTM_FunctionResult + "\n");
if ($FTM_Function == "Set")
$FTM_FunctionResult = "Succeed >>>>>> " + $FTM_FunctionResult + " >>>>>> But destination does NOT exist.";
else if ($FTM_Function != "Set")
$FTM_FunctionResult = "Fail >>>>>> " + $FTM_FunctionResult + " >>>>>> Check the HELP for possible reasons.";
warning ($FTM_FunctionResult);
waitCursor -state off;
deleteUI FTM_MessageWindow;
window -e -vis 1 FTM_MainWindow;
confirmDialog -t "Job finished" -m "Job finished.\nRefer to Script Editor for details." -ma center -b "OK" -p FTM_MainWindow;
// The main procedure.
// Query current OS, then build the main UI.
global proc FileTextureManager ()
select -cl;
global int $FTMg_OS ;
$FTM_os =`about -os`;
if ($FTM_os == "nt")
$FTMg_OS = 0;
else if ($FTM_os == "irix")
$FTMg_OS = 1;
FTM_UnknownOS $FTM_os;
// MEL Ends //